
Make simple Vue apps by writing HTML




Basic, no data (data default to {}):

	{{ 1 + 2 }}

With data (provided as a JSON string):

<v-app data='{"foo": 2}'>
	<input type="number" v-model="foo" />
	sqrt({{ foo }}) = {{ Math.sqrt(foo) }}

Invalid data (unquoted property name):

<v-app data='{foo: 2}'>
	<input type="number" v-model="foo" />
	sqrt({{ foo }}) = {{ Math.sqrt(foo) }}


<v-app data='{"list":[{"foo": 1}]}'>
	<article v-for="item in list">
		<input v-model="item.foo"> {{ item.foo }}
	<button @click="list.push({foo: list.length + 1})">Add item</button>

Expose globals:

<v-app data='{"foo": 2}' globals="Math, console, alert">
	<input type="number" v-model="foo" />
	sqrt({{ foo }}) = {{ Math.sqrt(foo) }}
	<button	@click="alert(foo++)">alert(foo++)</button>


Custom methods:

<v-app id="sum_demo" data='{"list":[]}'>
	Sum: {{ sum(list) }}
	<span v-for="(n, i) in list">
		<input v-model="list[i]" />

	<button @click="list.push(list.length)">Add number</button>
	// or document.querySelector("#sum_demo").methods = ...
	sum_demo.methods = {
		sum (numbers) {
			return numbers.reduce((a, c) => a + +c, 0);

or, alternatively, to make the sum() function available on all <v-app> instances:

// or import { VApp } from "https://mavue.mavo.io/mavue.js" if you're using all of MaVue
import VApp from "https://mavue.mavo.io/v-app/v-app.js";

VApp.methods = {
	sum (numbers) {
		return numbers.reduce((a, c) => a + +c, 0);

Please note this will not affect any <v-app> instances already created.

You could also add computed properties, e.g. to compute things or expose specific globals to your Vue app:

<v-app id="url_demo" data='{"relative": "../v-default/", "base": ""}'>
	<label>Relative URL: <input v-model="relative" /></label>
	<label>Base: <input v-model="base" /></label>
	<output v-if="!/\w+:/.test(base)">
		Resolved base: <a :href="absoluteBase">{{ absoluteBase }}</a>
		Result: <a :href="new URL(relative, absoluteBase)">{{ new URL(relative, absoluteBase) }}</a>
	// or document.querySelector("#url_demo").computed = ...
	url_demo.computed = {
		absoluteBase () {
			return new URL(this.base, location);
		URL () {
			return URL;

In the same way you can also add directives or components to either a <v-app> instance or all <v-app> instances.


Just include this JS file before any other MaVue helpers and you’re good:

<script src="https://mavue.mavo.io/v-app/v-app.js" type="module"></script>