All examples below use <v-app> as well, for clarity, but you can use <ma-data> on your own VueJS apps, without <v-app>.


Authentication, data loading & storing, uploads, on a variety of cloud services. Thin wrapper over the Madata Vue component.



Simple example (just data loading):

<v-app data='{"cats": []}'>
	<ma-data v-model="cats" src=""></ma-data>

	<article v-for="cat in cats">
		{{ }} is {{ cat.age }} years old

For more examples and documentation, look at the Madata Vue component page.


If using <v-app>, all you need to do is include this JS file after it and you’re good:

<script src="" type="module"></script>

If not using <v-app>, you can import the component individually:

				import MaData from "";

				// Then use it in your VueJS app
					/* ... */
					components: {
						"ma-data": MaData